3 - 7 May

Downtown Reykjavik, Iceland

DesignMarch 2023

DesignMarch 2023

Ready to celebrate DesignMarch in May—again? 

DesignMarch turns the most Northerly capital in the world into a venue for hundreds of openings, events, exhibitions, and parties. It showcases the best of the fresh and exciting Icelandic design scene. During DesignMarch you will see what is happening and meet local designers and plenty of international names. DesignMarch takes place in downtown Reykjavik. Alongside the cream of the crop of the local design scene, design experiences, fantastic Nordic cuisine, and lively nightlife, DesignMarch offers the perfect getaway to Reykjavik!

DesignMarch 2023

DesignMarch 2022 Reykjavik design festival

DesignMarch brings together participants and guests with progressive design and innovation. The festival heralds new and surprising approaches and is a vibrant platform for ideas, diverse perspectives, and knowledge driving force that enriches and enhances society.

DesignMarch gives inspiration and enjoyment to share the exhibitions, participants, and their content to a broader audience, both in Iceland and abroad, in collaboration with other stakeholders, such as Promote Iceland.

DesignMarch is a harbinger of optimism and creativity. The festival takes the opportunity to focus on design as a driving force for innovation and demonstrate the important role of design, architecture, and innovation in society, especially during this time of uncertainty the world is facing now.


DesignMarch 2022 DesignTalks 2022 Reykjavik Iceland

DesignTalks is the signature event of DesignMarch since 2009, illustrating the spectrum of design and architecture, its relevance, power, and potential in society today - and tomorrow. You can get your tickets here. DesignTalks 2023 will be curated by Hlin Helga Guðlaugsdóttir and produced by the Center of Iceland Design and Architecture.


Photos: DesignMarch by Kevin Pages/Aldís Pálsdóttir

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